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2019年9月25-26日 | 伦敦, 英国

2019-05-30 11:36

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), UK, Sellafiled, EDF, Sogin, Taiwan Power Company( Taipower), Westinghouse Electric Company, Japan Atomic Energy Agency等机构的大力支持下, 紧随2018年第五届世界核工业新建大会与2018年第三届世界核工业退役与废物管理大会,我们的年度国际会议——2019第六届世界核工业大会,核退役与废物管理论坛将于9月25-26日在英国伦敦以第一天主论坛第二天分论坛的形式举办。会议将涵盖英国整个核电产业链与世界核退役和废物管理最全面的核电大会




§  最新: 在第一天的主论坛中了解英国核工业的动态与进展

§  最新: 与NDA, Magnox, LLWR, Sellafield等公司共同参会,突出英国的热点项目

§  最新: 第二天的核退役与废物管理论坛将讨论全球最新消息和发展,重点介绍英国、法国、德国、芬兰、瑞典、比利时、西班牙、意大利、日本、韩国、美国等。

§   唯一关注全球新建、退役和废物管理整个产业链的最新项目和合同机会的会议

§   跟进项目更新、策略与监管、融资与风险管理、核燃料循环、先进核技术与数字化趋势、供应链优化与国内外放射性废物处理

§  突出供应链和供应商技术演示会议的赞助机会

§  在“如何在预算内按时管理退役计划”专题讨论会上进行互动讨论。



§ Keith Duncan, Head of Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), UK

§   Richard Faris, Principal Inspector – Nuclear Safety, Sellafield, Decommissioning, Fuel & Waste Division, Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR)

§   Gerrit Niehaus, Director of the Department Nuclear Energy Supervision and Radiation Protection, Ministry of Environment of Baden-Württemberg/Germany

§   Andrew Van Der Lem, Head of Government Relations, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA)

§   Steve Bostock, Chief Operating Officer, Sellafield Ltd.

§   Damian Brennan, Head of Power & Active Operations Department, UK Atomic Energy Authority

§   Bertrand Martelet, Senior VP Development and Services, EDF

§   Andreas Roos, Program Director Nuclear D&D of Oskarshamn Unit 1&2, OKG

§   Francesco Troiani, Director of the Waste Management & Decommissioning Division, Sogin

§   Oliver Wilhelm, Senior Consultant Decommissioning Services, EnBW Kernkraft GmbH

§   Sami Hautakangas, Head of Spent Fuel and Disposal Services, Fortum Power and Heat Oy

§   Steve White, Associate Director and Head of the Nuclear Safety Account, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

§   Ferenc Lóránd, Senior Adviser, Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority

§   Simon Redfern, Member, Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM)

§   Johan Andersson, Head of the Unit of Analysis, Department of Nuclear Fuel, SKB

  • Richard Poisson, Head of International Relations, Andra

§   Mika Pohjonen, Managing Director, Posiva Solutions Oy

§   Ilona Pospíšková, Head of RAW Repository Development Division, Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (SÚRAO)

§   Marnix Braeckeveldt, Industrial Waste Management Director, NIRAS- ONDRAF

§   Ben Volmert, Section Head Inventory & Logistics, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (NAGRA)

§   Saulius Urbonavičius, Head of Activity Planning Division, Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant

§   Steven Dhlomo, Manager Decommissioning Services, South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (Necsa)

§   Naoto Yagi, Head of Nuclear, London Office, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.

  • Chang-Lak Kim, President, Korean Radioactive Waste Society








Vivien Miao | AtomToday – Global Nuclear Industry Conference (India, Turkey-MEA, UK, CEE) | SZ&W Group
Email: vivienm@szwgroup.com
Tel: +86 21 5830 0710 ext 8098 | Fax: +86 21 5831 1668 | Mob: +86 185 2140 7816

