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Vistec Expands Its Activities in the Chinese Market with a Seminar at NCNST and Participation at ChinaNANO 2011

2011-09-08 10:05
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JENA, Germany & WATERVLIET, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Vistec Electron Beam Lithography Group (www.vistec-semi.com), a leading supplier of Electron Beam Lithography systems, continues to expand its activities in China. The Group held an Electron-Beam Lithography Workshop in partnership with the NCNST (National Centre of Nanoscience and Technology) in Beijing on September 6th, 2011 and will participate in the ChinaNANO 2011 (www.chinanano.org). The International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology takes place in Beijing from September 7th till 9th, 2011.


"Looking at the developments in China over the past decade it is magnificent what has been achieved. We still see an enormous demand for electron-beam lithography to satisfy the challenging nanolithography applications. Therefore our aim is to enforce our current activities", explains Ines Stolberg, Marketing Manager at Vistec Group. "Being at the ChinaNANO conference is one step of Vistec's long term marketing & sales strategy. Further steps are organizing regular workshops, being present at trade shows and having an individual customer support."

As part of this, Vistec has organized a workshop, in partnership with one of its Beijing based customers NCNST, who has enthusiastically agreed to act as host, before this year's ChinaNANO 2011 conference, on September 6th, 2011. "This was an important step towards informing the Chinese market of what electron-beam lithography has to offer for leading edge technology centres such as NCNST", reflects Stolberg.

At the workshop Vistec has been pleased to welcome experts in their field like Prof. Chen Baoqin, IMECAS, Dr. Peter Hahmann and Dr. Ralf Steingrueber, Fraunhofer HHI, who gave technology presentations in both electron-beam technology in general and the use of such systems for the development of new devices for various applications.

More than 40 scientists from leading edge research institutes and universities / Centers of excellence from throughout China attended the workshop.

At the ChinaNANO 2011 Vistec focuses on its EBPG5200 Series and EBPG5000 Series systems. These systems have evolved over many years with considerable input and feedback from Vistec's extensive worldwide customer base and fulfil the needs of tomorrows required accuracy and resolution along with flexibility for a wide range of applications. Vistec is also a manufacturer of high throughput Variable Shaped Beam systems for industrial mask and direct write manufacturing.

"Overall we see our self very well placed to meet the needs of the fast moving Chinese market for both Research & Development as well as industrial applications", explains Stolberg. "We are pleased to discuss this in more detail at the ChinaNANO 2011 by our team of experts present."

Media Information:

Vistec Electron Beam Lithography Group

The Vistec Electron Beam Lithography Group is a global manufacturer and supplier of electron-beam lithography systems with applications ranging from nano and bio-technology to photonics and industrial environments like mask making or direct writing for fast prototype development and design evaluation. The Vistec Electron Beam Lithography Group combines Vistec Lithography and Vistec Electron Beam.

Vistec Lithography

Vistec Lithography develops, manufactures, and sells electron-beam lithography equipment based on Gaussian Beam technology. Their electron-beam systems are world-wide accepted in advanced research laboratories and universities.

Vistec Electron Beam

Vistec Electron Beam is providing electron-beam lithography equipment based on Shaped Beam technology, which is used by leading semiconductor manufacturers and many research institutes around the world. Their innovative electron-beam systems are used for microchip production and integrated optics as well as for scientific and commercial research.

For downloads of all media releases and images in print quality please visit the website at www.vistec-semi.com. If you require other formats or images please do not hesitate to contact us.



Ines Stolberg
Manager Strategic Marketing Litho
Tel.: +49(0)3641/651955
Fax: +49(0)3641/651922
Tower PR
Tel.: +49(0)3641/8761182

