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Power Integrations Updates PI Expert™ Suite Design Software with Support for HiperLCS™ and TOPSwitch™-JX Product Families

2011-09-29 10:05
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Version 8.5 streamlines and simplifies the power supply design process


SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Power Integrations (Nasdaq: POWI), the leader in high-voltage integrated circuits for energy-efficient power conversion, today published Version 8.5 of its popular power supply design productivity software, PI Expert Suite. This latest release adds support for the company's new HiperLCS family of high-frequency LLC converter ICs, as well as the recently-introduced TOPSwitch-JX family of integrated offline switcher ICs.

PI Expert Suite significantly shortens and simplifies the design process by generating a complete schematic of the power supply, including an optimized power transformer design and a complete bill of materials. In addition to support for the latest PI product families, the Version 8.5 update includes thermal calculations to optimize heatsink performance and provides PCB layout recommendations for the device and package type chosen. The new version also features an updated component library that includes fuses, fusible resistors, shunt regulators, optocouplers, and heatsinks.

Comments Doug Bailey, vice president of marketing for Power Integrations: "PI Expert Suite is well known to designers of flyback power supplies for greatly simplifying the design process, reducing the number of prototype cycles, and accelerating time to market. With the release of Version 8.5, these same benefits are now available to designers of resonant converters."

Bailey continues: "HiperLCS is the most highly integrated LLC converter available, enabling extremely compact designs due to its high operating frequency, which allows the use of small transformers and capacitors. PI Expert Suite Version 8.5 seamlessly guides users through the design process, particularly the unique challenges of designing transformers for high-frequency operation."

The software is now available in two versions - 32-bit and 64-bit. The 64-bit version takes advantage of larger system memory and faster processor speeds to expedite the design optimization process.

PI Expert Suite is available in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Russian languages and can be downloaded now at www.powerint.com/pi-expert. Transformer prototypes resulting from the use of this software can be ordered through Power Integrations' Rapid Transformer Sample Service (RTSS); a quick-start guide describing how to create a compatible design file is available at http://www.powerint.com/rtss.

About Power Integrations

Power Integrations is the leading supplier of high-voltage integrated circuits used in energy-efficient power conversion. The company's innovative technology enables compact, energy-efficient power supplies in a wide range of electronic products, in AC-DC, DC-DC, and LED lighting applications. Since its introduction in 1998, Power Integrations' EcoSmartTM energy-efficiency technology has saved an estimated $5 billion of standby energy waste and prevented millions of tons of CO2 emissions. The company's Green Room web site provides a wealth of information about "energy vampires" and the issue of standby energy waste, along with a comprehensive guide to energy-efficiency standards around the world. Reflecting the environmental benefits of EcoSmart technology, Power Integrations' stock is included in The Cleantech Index® and the NASDAQ® Clean Edge® Green Energy Index. For more information, please visit http://www.powerint.com.

Power Integrations, PI Expert Suite, PI Xls, HiperLCS, TOPSwitch, eSIP, EcoSmart, and the Power Integrations logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Power Integrations, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.



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Power Integrations, Inc.
Peter Rogerson, 408-414-8573
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Billings Europe PR Agency
Nick Foot, +44 (0) 1491-636 393