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ELMOS Semiconductor AG: ELMOS Signs Distribution Agreement with Technokey

2011-10-17 15:38
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Focus on gesture recognition systems for Chinese markets

DORTMUND, Germany & HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ELMOS Semiconductor AG has signed a distribution agreement with Hong Kong based company Technokey. It focuses on the distribution of proximity and gesture recognition systems, with a special emphasis on customers in the Chinese markets.

Technokey maintains six offices in China and Hong Kong. In addition, Technokey is represented with further offices in Taiwan and Japan. The distributor draws on the experience of more than 20 years in sales, technical support, and logistics management.

'ELMOS is very happy to have Technokey as a distributor. Our patented system for proximity and gesture recognition systems called HALIOS(R) has been receiving positive customer feedback. We are convinced that together with Technokey we will have great success with HALIOS(R) solutions in the Asian market,' says Jürgen Höllisch, Management Board member of ELMOS Semiconductor AG for Sales and Development. The HALIOS(R) principle offers a globally unique way of detecting proximity and gestures. HALIOS(R) solutions are extremely insensitive to external interferences such as light or dirt.

'Technokey is proud to distribute ELMOS products in Greater China, as most automotive customers need to upgrade and become more innovative with new electronics design in order to maintain their competitiveness. This is exactly what ELMOS is offering. Thanks to the great support provided by ELMOS, Technokey is confident to create numerous sales opportunities in the Greater China Area. Technokey will focus on HALIOS(R) products, including applications for software and module development for the tablet, notebook and smartphone markets. This way we will not only concentrate on automotive but on the development of the consumer electronics markets for ELMOS as well,' says Steve Ho, Managing Director of Technokey Co., Ltd.

ELMOS Semiconductor AG is a developer and manufacturer of system solutions on semiconductor basis. For more than 25 years, our chips have made automobiles as well as industrial and consumer goods more performance and power efficient.

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Language:     English

ELMOS Semiconductor AG

Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 1

44227 Dortmund


+49 (0)231 7549-575

+49 (0)231 7549-548







Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard);

Freiverkehr in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, München,

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ELMOS Semiconductor AG,
Mathias Kukla,
Phone: +49 231-7549-0, Extension: -199,
Fax: +49 231-7549-548,