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After Conquering Shanghai, Chiayi Looks to Dominate the Global Food Market

2012-11-30 11:06
  • zh_cn
  • zh_hant
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CHIAYI COUNTY--(BUSINESS WIRE)--In a move to introduce its quality produce to the international markets, the Chiayi County Government led eleven agricultural representatives from within its county borders to participate in the 16th International Exhibition for Food, Drink, Hospitality, Foodservice, Bakery & Retail Industries, an international food and beverage trade fair organized by the Food and Hospitality China (FHC CHINA 2012) that took place in the Chinese metropolitan of Shanghai from Nov. 14 to 16. Together, the farmer representatives and county officials designed “Taiwan: Chiayi Specialty Produce Hall” under the theme of “Mount Ali: Watching the pale sunrise from its peaks, riding the remarkable forest railways, marveling at the towering ancient Cypress trees, gasping at the delicate cherry blossoms dotting the countryside and sipping on hot mountain tea,” which led to the creation of a full-scale pavilion that embraced the county’s unique features and characteristics.

Chiayi Agricultural Department Director-General Lin Liang-mao said that although this was the county’s first foray into a FHC CHINA event, he is optimistic that the county’s agricultural producers have fully benefited from the exposure to international buyers. Such ventures into foreign trade channels will help other Chiayi specialty products gain the same fame as Alishan’s high mountain tea, he added, noting that any item that commands such overwhelming demand should be considered a pride of Taiwan. From Tokyo to Kuala Lumpur, the Chiayi Specialty Produce Hall has traveled to several international food expos over the past few years, steadily gathering momentum as demonstrated by the growing number of purchase orders received, according to Lin, who highlighted this fact as proof of Chiayi produce’s superior quality in the face of foreign competition.

Through the Chiayi Specialty Produce Hall, a wide range of agricultural goods debuted at Shanghai this year, including the top-grade black Chinese mushroom cultivated by Yen Ten Farm, the fragrant sweet maize (“fruit corn”) nurtured by Lucao Township Groceries and Produce Cooperative and the soothing cane sugar (“black sugar”) refined by the Long-Life Agricultural Specialties Cooperative. Judging from the warm reception and enthusiastic orders received by the Chiayi Specialty Produce Hall during its stint in Shanghai, Chiayi’s fresh produce and unique goods are emerging as the champions in the global race for agricultural quality and food safety, the director-general concluded.



Chiayi County Government
Lee Chiu ying, +886 -5-3620123#325
