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HI’s “MascotCapsule® V3 and V4” with the Shipment of Over 400 Million Units Worldwide Now Supports Platforms of Apple’s iPhoneTM and iPod® touch

2009-03-16 14:05
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  • en

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--HI CORPORATION (JASDAQ:3846)(ISIN:JP3160860007)(Headquarters: Meguro-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Kazuo Kawabata hereinafter "HI") announced today that its real-time 3D rendering engine MascotCapsule V3 and MascotCapsule V4 for embedded devices supports platforms of iPhone™ and iPod® touch produced by Apple Inc.

MascotCapsule V3 and V4, which have shipped more than 400 million units worldwide (as of March 2009), now support the international platforms iPhone and iPod. This enables developers to easily port 3D mobile content developed using the MascotCapsule series into iPhone and iPod touch, allowing the effective use of content assets. Through this support there is great market potential that can be realized as a result of the reduction in development costs of 3D graphics in content development for iPhone and iPod touch.

*For the license fee and the development environment, please contact support@hicorp.co.jp.

HI’s latest 3D rendering engine MascotCapsule eruption (*1) has supported iPhone and iPod touch since July 2008(*2). Now all of HI’s flagship engines support iPhone and iPod touch.

HI is committed to further expanding the 3D application market by increasing the number of supported platforms.

[MascotCapsule V3]

[MascotCapsule V4]

Please visit our web site (http://www.hicorp.co.jp/english/product/index.html).

*1 MascotCapsule eruption

Please visit our web site (http://www.hicorp.co.jp/english/product/eruption.html).

*2 Please visit our web site (http://www.hicorp.co.jp/english/pressroom/for_press/2008/press_080731.html).

*3 OpenGL ES

Abbreviation for OpenGL for Embedded Systems. OpenGL is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics Inc. OpenGL ES 1.1 is a subset of OpenGL 1.5, and is a royalty-free 2D/3D graphics API for embedded devices created by removing OpenGL desktop functionality not needed for embedded and mobile devices.

For more information, visit the Khronos Group website at http://www.khronos.org/opengles/.

*4 M3G (JSR184)

Abbreviation for Mobile 3D Graphics API. M3G is a specification that defines an API for writing Java programs producing 3D computer graphics.

* iPhone and iPod are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc.

* MascotCapsule® is a registered trademark of HI CORPORATION in Japan.

*Other company names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies.

[About HI]

Please visit our web site (http://www.hicorp.co.jp/english/index.html).


Pam Hung/Toyomi Masuda, +81-3-3710-9376
Public Relations
Marketing Dept.