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BROOK'S Coffee Opens Its First Overseas Store in Taiwan

2013-08-30 14:02
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YOKOHAMA, Japan--()--Brook's Co., Ltd., the coffee company selling coffee and other beverage by mail order (headquartered in Aoba-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan; CEO Hiroko OGAWA ), will open its first overseas store in Taipei, Taiwan.

The drip bag coffee is still not familiar yet to many countries. This easy-to-prepare method, by just hooking the small coffee bag on the cup and pouring hot water, gives you a real taste of brewed delicious coffee. Brook’s Coffee proudly introduces this handy product along with the company’s hospitality to the many people overseas.

As their product “European blend” won Best Drip Bag Coffee Contest held in June, 2013, by Apple Daily, a Taiwanese newspaper, they believe that as the leading company of drip bag coffee, the quality and technology in their product accumulated over the years, could offer everyone here in Taiwan more pleasure.

This time Brook’s will finally open its first overseas store at Taipei 101, which is the landmark skyscraper located in the center of Taipei, one of the world best cities in Asia, with 101 stories above ground and five underground. From this place gathered with shopping malls, food courts and office spaces, they will convey more value to enjoying a good coffee at home and office as well as at cafés with their products. This year Brook’s will commemorate its 45th anniversary from its foundation. They are pleased to deliver their tasty cup with joy and peace across borders and generations.

[Address] B1 No. 45, Shifu Rd., Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan
[Site area] Approx 21.7m2
[Date of opening] 1st September, 2013

< Brook’s future effort >

Currently their products are available in convenience stores in Taiwan. They will plan to expand their products to more cities and enforce their future overseas business.



BROOK'S Co., Ltd.
Ryoko Taguchi, +81-4-5909-1148
FAX: +81-4-5909-1133
