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On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and women in the post-2015 agenda

- Quality and equity in education are indispensable to sustainable development and economic growth -

2014-03-10 10:20
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GENEVA--()--The International Federation of University Women (IFUW), based in Geneva, Switzerland, calls for a standalone goal of equity and quality in secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and women in the post-2015 development agenda, on the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8.

A world where girls are educated, protected and healthy is indispensable to sustainable development and economic growth for all people. Equity and quality in education require an explicit commitment from governments to goals for secondary education, literacy and numeracy.

“There is a clear correlation between marginalisation, vulnerability and low educational attainment,” states IFUW President Catherine Bell. “Therefore, any post-2015 goal must provide for all girls and women, including the most vulnerable such as those from indigenous backgrounds, the disabled, those in detention and those who suffer in natural disasters and conflict. In an increasingly challenging environment, we need to ensure that girls and women have an opportunity to ensure their own livelihoods. ”

If all girls had a secondary education, there would be two-thirds fewer child marriages in the world. If all women had a secondary education, child deaths would be cut in half, saving three million lives. In sub-Saharan Africa, women with no education have two times as many births as those with secondary education.1 Children in conflict-affected countries comprise 50 per cent of children who are not in school. Among the world’s out-of-school adolescents, almost one third live in countries affected by conflict.2

The International Federation of University Women (IFUW) is based in Geneva, Switzerland, and has an international membership. Founded in 1919, IFUW is the leading girls’ and women’s global organisation run by and for women, advocating for women’s rights, equality and empowerment through access to quality education and training up to the highest levels.

IFUW is in special consultative status with ECOSOC and is an NGO maintaining official relations with UNESCO. Learn about our grants & fellowships and our advocacy work. Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter (@IFUWomen)

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1 Girls’ education - the facts, Education for All Global Monitoring Report, UNESCO, 2013

2Children Still Battling to Go to School”, UNESCO, 2013


For more information please contact:
International Federation of University Women
Nina Joyce
T: +41 22 731 23 80;
Email: nj@ifuw.org