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Out Leadership

Hogan Lovells and HSBC host the Out Leadership: Asia 2015 LGBT Leadership Summit in Hong Kong

2015-12-09 18:12
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The 2015 Summit will feature a panel of executives whose companies have created partnerships to address regional concerns for LGBT people, in dialogue with leaders of advocacy groups:

  • Sanjeev Chatrath, Managing Director, Region Head (Asia), Financial & Risk, Thomson Reuters
  • Rodney Croome, Director, Australian Marriage Equality
  • Lyn Kok, CEO and President, Standard Chartered Thailand
  • Guangyu Li, Director, McKinsey & Company
  • Masa Yanagisawa, Director, Global Prime Finance Sales, Deutsche Bank

Out Leadership: Asia 2015 will also convene a discussion on the ways in which religious inclusion and LGBT inclusion are analogous, featuring religious leaders from many different Hong Kong faith communities:

  • Imam Muhammad Arshad
  • Reverend Ouyang Wen Feng
  • Pearl Wong, Executive Secretary, Queer Theology Academy
  • Rabbi Stan Zamek

Reverend Dr Yap Kim Hao of Pink Dot Singapore recorded a video address to Summit attendees.

HONG KONG--()--More than one hundred senior LGBT and Ally business leaders will gather tomorrow at the third annual Out Leadership: Asia 2015 LGBT Summit (formerly known as Out on the Street), hosted by Hogan Lovells and HSBC and taking place at the HSBC Main building in Central, Hong Kong.“

The LGBT community has taken major strides forward in the fight for universal equality,” said Stuart Gulliver, Group Chief Executive, HSBC. “However, there is much more to be done and we, as leaders in the financial industry, must be a force for change. We have a responsibility to act as a catalyst for a more inclusive society that supports all its members in achieving their full personal and professional potential.”

“We hope that by supporting the Out Leadership Asia Leadership Summit, Hogan Lovells can continue to make a positive contribution to advancing and promoting LGBT equality within our own firm, through our clients and in our communities across Asia,” said Stephen Immelt, CEO, Hogan Lovells.

“We are proud to partner with HSBC and Hogan Lovells for our third Summit in Hong Kong,” said Todd Sears, Principal of Out Leadership. “We believe that Asia is the next region in the world where LGBT equality will bloom, and that Hong Kong’s deeply held values of diversity, tolerance and economic liberalism provide a strong basis for leadership in this movement. To that end, we seek to support and amplify the voices in Hong Kong and around the region that are speaking about the business and cultural value that diversity creates.”

In a filmed address to the Out Leadership Summit, Reverend Dr Yap Kim Hao, of the Free Community Church and Pink Dot Singapore said: “I salute you, representing the enlightened business community, who have shown your heart of compassion for LGBT people.”


Out Leadership is a global LGBT business advisory that partners with the world’s most influential companies to build business opportunities, cultivate talent, and drive LGBT equality forward.

For more information, visit www.outleadership.com





FTI Consulting
Seán Pattwell, +85237684543
Director, Strategic Communications

