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Worldwide Innovative Networking (WIN) in Personalized Cancer Medicine is Very Proud to Announce That Institut Curie, France Has Joined Its Consortium

2016-06-02 14:03
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VILLEJUIF, France--()--“We are very proud to welcome Institut Curie to WIN,” said Dr. John Mendelsohn, Chairman of WIN and Director of the Khalifa Institute for Personalized Cancer Therapy and past President of MD Anderson Cancer Center. “The Institut Curie is undeniably a leading European cancer research center with remarkable research that will constitute a major asset for WIN.”
WIN’s mission is to rapidly translate precision cancer medicine discoveries into standards of patient care worldwide. “Our vision and value proposition is that we can accomplish more together than each organization can achieve working alone. In WIN, renown academics and industries work hand in hand to develop the tools and therapies needed to significantly improve survival and quality of life of cancer patients from diverse backgrounds.” said Dr. Vladimir Lazar, Chief Operating Officer of WIN. WIN, through its network of academics, industries, insurance and patient advocates, is present in 14 countries and 4 continents. Not only it provides an effective platform to launch clinical trials but it is the place where transformational proof of concept trials paving the way for the future of cancer care can be developed, such as WINTHER, first trial of the WIN Consortium which was selected as a Success Story of the EUFP7.
WIN enables simultaneous access to patients with varied genetic backgrounds, enhancing the speed and efficacy with which novel discoveries can be made, in particular new biomarkers, and brought to patients around the world. Industry members contribute by developing the tools, to select the best therapies to treat patients: biological investigations of genes and gene products and algorithms.

“Precision cancer medicine remains very challenging, as the results of our SHIVA study prove. “ said Prof. Thierry Philip, President of Institut Curie. “We are thrilled to be able to present SHIVA and debate about the conclusions we can draw from the study at the WIN annual symposium on June 28-27 in Paris.”
"What SHIVA tells us is that we need to continue doing research in this area of personalized medicine,” said Dr. Richard L.Schilsky Chief Medical Officer of ASCO and chairman of WIN SAB.




Vladimir Lazar, +33-66-109-15-22
Institut Curie

