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The Second Edition of RREM Demonstrated the Vibrancy of the Chinese Market

2016-07-07 17:26
  • zh_cn
  • en

PARIS--()--Over 300 delegates, came together in Shanghai’s JW Marriott for what was described as a highly successful second edition of Retail Real Estate Market China June 15-16, with a 15% attendance increase on last year.

Delegates packed the event venue and remarked on the level of business discussions over the two intense days. From its opening hours, the JW Marriott welcomed key international industry players in retail real estate as well as Chinese developers/franchise partners intent on doing business together, considering new trends and selecting projects in China.

Networking and deal-making were also a key focus of RREM, through innovative formats such as 8 pitching sessions and 12 topic based lunches centred on themes such as Pop-Up stores, retailtainment, food and beverage etc.

Organised by Reed MIDEM, RREM (MAPIC China) is the primary deal making event dedicated to Chinese retail real estate, gathering together Chinese and international retailers, retail property owners/investors, management companies and agents looking to explore business opportunities on the Chinese market. RREM is powered by MAPIC - the world’s leading event in the retail real estate sector, held annually in Cannes.

Nathalie Depetro, Director of RREM and MAPIC commented, “The second edition of RREM was a success thanks to very interactive formats of deal-making and high quality speakers demonstrating the attractiveness of this vibrant market full of promise for the retail sector.”

A strong representation of CEO’s made up part of the RREM conference programme including Leo Ding, CEO of SCPG; Jack Wang, CEO of RET; Zhibin Wang and Vice President of Dalian Wanda. International CEO’s included Laurent Milchior, CEO of Etam; Mohamed Haouache, CEO of Oui Open; Tom Gong, Founder and CEO of All Dragon, and Mario C. Bauer, CEO of Viapiano.



Belinda Chan, +852 3159 2988
Press Contact (Hong Kong)

