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6th Annual World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit Is SOLD OUT!

Registration is now closed but attendance is still available via livestream

2018-02-09 13:56
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LONDON--()--Thanks to overwhelming demand to hear the latest advances in patient safety, registration for the 6th Annual World Patient Safety, Science and Technology Summit is now closed. In order to make sure that as many people as possible can attend, we have made the Summit available online via live streaming.

The entire Patient Safety Movement Foundation team is committed to increasing awareness about the exciting and innovative patient safety developments emanating from the summit. There will be keynote addresses from leading political figures and patient safety experts, plenary sessions with healthcare luminaries, members of the press and patient advocates, as well as announcements from organizations who have made their own commitments to reach the Patient Safety Movement Foundation’s goal of ZERO preventable deaths by 2020.

You can register for livestream coverage here http://psmsummit.liveconnectevent.com. There is a $100 connection fee.

About Patient Safety Movement Foundation:

More than 200,000 U.S. patients and three million worldwide die each year from preventable causes. The Patient Safety Movement Foundation (PSMF) was established through the support of the Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation, and Competition in Healthcare to reduce that number of preventable deaths to zero by 2020 (0X2020). Improving patient safety requires a collaborative effort from all stakeholders, including patients, healthcare providers, medical technology companies, government, employers, and private payers. The PSMF works with all stakeholders to address problems with actionable solutions. The Foundation also convenes the World Patient Safety, Science and Technology Summit bringing together some of the world’s best minds for thought-provoking discussions and new ideas that challenge the status quo. By presenting specific, high-impact solutions to meet patient safety challenges, called Actionable Patient Safety Solutions, encouraging medical technology companies to share the data their products are purchased for, and asking hospitals to make commitments to implement Actionable Patient Safety Solutions, the Patient Safety Movement Foundation is working toward zero preventable deaths by 2020. Visit http://patientsafetymovement.org/.



Patient Safety Movement Foundation
Tanya Lyon, (949) 351-2858
Public Relations Manager     


Joe Kiani, Founder and Chairman of the Patient Safety Movement Foundation, speaks at the 2017 World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit (Photo: Business Wire)

Joe Kiani, Founder and Chairman of the Patient Safety Movement Foundation, speaks at the 2017 World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit (Photo: Business Wire)
