Its wide range of innovative probes covers the needs of all Army corps and emergency teams (including HAZMAT** teams for hazardous materials management). The SaphyRAD MS thus searches and locates real-time radioactive sources in the environment and measures contamination on all surfaces. Following a nuclear incident or accident, the SaphyRAD MS carries out the first checks, particularly on people and/or vehicles. Thanks to its integrated simulation mode, users can be trained in real conditions, without using radioactive sources. The robust design of the SaphyRAD MS has been specially thought out for use with CBRN*** protection equipment. Its ergonomic interface allows fast use even by non-specialists to measure radioactivity.
With the development of this new military radiation meter, Bertin has improved its existing CBRN*** threat detection and identification range, providing complete systems to the Armed Forces and civil security agencies (rapid response teams, public health and emergency services. The production launch is scheduled for the end of 2018.
* acquired in 2015, since merged with Bertin Technologies
** HAZardous MATerials
***Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear [CBRN]