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Endowment for Clean Oceans Announces Macrebur’s CEO Toby McCartney Membership on ECO’s Entrepreneur Committee

2018-08-23 19:07
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The Endowment for Clean Oceans is announces that innovator and Entrepreneur Toby McCartney, CEO of Macrebur, is a member of the Entrepreneur’s Judges Committee for our contest to award $1 million for the best technology or plan to remove macro and micro plastics from the ocean.

McCartney began Macrebur to re-use waste and single use plastic. He developed the technology to use it in asphalt, which makes roads stronger and last six times longer. This video explains how Macrebur’s technology works and where it is being used now.

“We at Macrebur have a productive and safe reuse of the waste and single use macro and micro plastics that will be recovered from our oceans by the technology or plan that wins ECO’s first $1 million prize,” said McCartney.

“Since ECO has an on-going need for a high-volume of waste and single-use plastics, it makes McCartney a great fit. Plus, much of Macrebur’s initial public exposure and funding came from winning Sir Branson’s the 2016 Virgin Mobile Innovator Start Up Contest,” said ECO Founder Daniel Perrin. “McCartney knows first-hand about innovation contests and is another reason ECO chose McCartney.”

“I know first-hand the great things that can come from recognizing and funding true innovation to solve our global waste plastics problem,” said McCartney. “I’m looking forward to reviewing the innovative solutions from all over the world.”




Endowment for Clean Oceans
Toby McCartney
Daniel Perrin
