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A clarification Following the Statement Made by the Acting Interim Director General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Mr. Adnan Amin to Reuters, Published Today

2011-01-12 12:07
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ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates--(BUSINESS WIRE)--IRENA:

“At this time, IRENA is not seeking additional funding, as it is focusing on creating its institutional structure for which the current budget allocation is sufficient. In the medium and long term IRENA aims to become an effective organization addressing the major challenges of energy access, energy security and reducing carbon emissions that contribute to climate change. In that case, and with the full support of its members, it would be reasonable to expect a budget similar to that of other comparable international organizations,” said Mr. Adnan Amin.

*Source: ME NewsWire


Agathe Remoue, +971(0)2-417-9062
PR and Press Officer