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Deepwater Asia Congress 2011 will kick off on May 17 - 20, Shanghai, China

2011-04-19 09:00
  • zh_hant

Shanghai—(BusinessWire)--In the past 2010, after several industrial breaking events, the scenario of deepwater exploration & production has been changed profoundly.

We witnessed Petrobras’ remarkable attractiveness to the capital market by pocketing $70 billion through share sale. The emerging deepwater giant can even overtake No.1 oil producer Exxon Mobil in terms of oil production by 2015 if it meets the targets set in its current business plan.

BP’s GoM oil spill disaster shocked not only the offshore oil & gas industry but also the whole world. As a result, tremendous concerns on the safety of deepwater drilling activities were raised to the extent we had never seen.

Based on the projects currently considered commercial, global deepwater production is expected to reach a peak of approximately 11 million boe/d in the 2010 to 2015 period. Near- through medium-term output will be dominated by Brazil, the GOM, and Norway, while longer-term volumes become more evenly distributed between these regions and West Africa. In Asia, the expenditure of deepwater exploration & production keeps rising as NOCs like Petronas, Petrovietnam, PTTEP and CNOOC are becoming more aggressive. The partnerships between IOCs and NOCs proved to be effective in Malaysia, Indonesia and South China Sea, and we have full reasons to expect Asia’s deepwater activities are booming.

Considering above influential factors in Oil & Gas, SZ&W Group is excited to announce the 3rd Deepwater Asia Congress (DAC 2011) will kick off on May 17 to 20 in Shanghai, China. “Explore Deeper, Operate Safer” is this year’s theme. Base on the big success in past two years, and with more powerful marketing, 3rd Annual Deepwater Asia Congress 2011 continues and consolidates to be the effective platform for all the market players on the value chain to share ideas, to gain new insights and visions and to network with industry leaders.

Look forward to greeting you at Deepwater Asia Congress 2011 in Shanghai.

Conference at a glance:

Pre-conference FLNG Workshop Master Class

Executive Golf Match Tournament

Two-day Conference

Asia NOCs Round Table & Panel

Site Tour to Qingdao Petrochina Fabrication Yard

Featured topics:

Global Deepwater Prospects

Offshore China-Deepwater Opportunities & Challenges

Petrobras' Exploration & Production in Brazil - Results and Perspectives

Vietnam’s Deepwater Exploration Roadmap

Bringing Innovations and Experience to Offshore Indonesia

Exploring South China Sea’s Deepwater Reserves

Offshore India: KG D6 Block Reliance’s Experiences

Sustainable Environmental Management

Deepwater Challenges- Lessons learnt from Montarra and Macondo incidents

Major Legal Risk and Solutions in a Joint Deepwater Project

Financing Deepwater Project In a Volatile Time

Deepwater Reservoir Description, a Multi-Services Integrated Approach

New Driving Force to Deepwater Heavy Transportation Services

Legal Issues in Ship Acquisition and Ship Building

Asia Pacific Deepwater Developments and the Subsea Market

Growing & Emerging Subsea technology

Hear the latest views and forecasts from key industry speakers from along the entire value chain and the government.

Guohua Zhang, Senior Vice President, CNOOC

Encik Ramlan Abdul Malek, Vice President, Petronas

Do Van Khanh, Chairman, PVEP

Eduardo Molinari, Coordinator,E&P-CORP/CEPC, Petrobras

Gde Pradnyana, Executive Advisor, BPMigas

Wing-On Chu, Managing Director, Husky Energy

NK Mitra, Chief Technical Services, Reliance Industries

Jim Blackwell, President of Asia Pacific, Chevron

Markus Droll, Vice President, Technology, Shell

Carl K. Arnet, CEO, BW Offshore

Dong Wei Liang, Executive Vice President & CTO, China Oilfield Services Ltd

Dave Hutchinson, President of Subsea Asia, Aker Solution,

Wang Qi, Vice President, Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.

Lee Hae Sung, Vice President Offshore Business, SamSung Heavy Industries

Xiulong Xu, Vice President, Cosco-shipyard

Chris Barton, Vice President, Asia Pacific, J. Ray McDermott

For the latest information and registration details, please visit www.deepwatercongress.com or call our hotline: 86 21 58300710. Any enquiries, please feel free to let us know.
