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Busan Metropolitan City

釜山市舉辦第22屆釜山國際電影節和G-STAR 2017國際遊戲展示會

2017-10-09 11:40
  • zh_cn
  • zh_hant
  • en

韓國釜山--(美國商業資訊)--釜山廣域市透露將舉辦第22屆釜山國際電影節(BIFF)和G-Star2017(Game Show and Trade, All-Round)國際遊戲展示會。

本新聞稿包含多媒體資訊。完整新聞稿請見此: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20171003005092/zh-HK/


此次第22屆釜山國際電影節(BIFF)將有來自世界75個國家的298部電影在電影的殿堂、Centum City CGV影院、Centum City樂天影院、海雲台MEGABOX影院等5個劇場32個銀幕上映。

邀請作品有100部世界首映(World Premiere)(長片76部、短片24部)、29部國際首映(International Premiere)(長片24部、短片5部)、新浪潮單元(New Currents)部分的10部作品等共計75個國家的298部電影。


做為競賽領域的新浪潮單元(New Currents)將有10部電影入選並上映,由世界電影大師奧利佛·史東(Oliver Stone)導演擔任評審團主席。


G-Star2017國際遊戲展示會以「Complete your game!(完成屬於你自己的遊戲!)」為主題,透過各種活動預期達到使玩家感受到遊戲所提供的最大意義和經驗。展會期間還將有遊戲展示(BTB、BTC)、研討會、遊戲投資交易會、國際遊戲文化活動、e體育大賽、遊戲企業博覽會等附帶活動。




請前往 businesswire.com 瀏覽源版本: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20171003005092/zh-HK/



Busan Metropolitan City
Sang-jin Yoon, +82-51-888-1322

Busan Metropolitan City hosts the 22nd Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) and the Game Show and Trade, All-Round (G-STAR) 2017, an Global Game Exhibition. The 22nd BIFF will be held from October 12 to 21, with 298 films shown onto 32 screens, while G-STAR 2017, which is emerging as one of the world's top three gaming events, will take place from November 16 to 19 at BEXCO. During the Busan International Film Festival (BIFF), 298 films from 75 countries will be projected onto 32 screens at five major cinemas, Busan Cinema Center, CGV Centum City, Lotte Cinema Centum City, MEGABOX Haundae and Sohyang Theater Centum City in Busan. The BIFF will screen 100 world premieres (76 feature films, 24 short films), 29 international premieres (24 feature films, 5 short films), and 10 New Currents films. (Photo: Business Wire)

Busan Metropolitan City hosts the 22nd Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) and the Game Show and Trade, All-Round (G-STAR) 2017, an Global Game Exhibition. The 22nd BIFF will be held from October 12 to 21, with 298 films shown onto 32 screens, while G-STAR 2017, which is emerging as one of the world's top three gaming events, will take place from November 16 to 19 at BEXCO. During the Busan International Film Festival (BIFF), 298 films from 75 countries will be projected onto 32 screens at five major cinemas, Busan Cinema Center, CGV Centum City, Lotte Cinema Centum City, MEGABOX Haundae and Sohyang Theater Centum City in Busan. The BIFF will screen 100 world premieres (76 feature films, 24 short films), 29 international premieres (24 feature films, 5 short films), and 10 New Currents films. (Photo: Business Wire)
