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MSCI 发布Barra 中国股票模型 (CNE5)

2012-07-16 10:38
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北京--(美国商业资讯)--全球领先的投资决策支持工具供应商MSCI Inc. (NYSE:MSCI) 今天宣布推出新一代Barra中国股票模型(CNE5)。新中国股票模型更好地捕捉到中国本土市场长短期趋势和变化,充分运用风险理论研究的最新成果,使机构投资者能够把风险模型完全融入到其投资过程之中。



"在易方达,我们把Barra CHE2模型作为核心量化投资平台的重要组成部分,从组合优化、风险管理和对冲一直到绩效归因,都会应用到Barra模型。即使只是简要预览了Barra 新模型CNE5,我们也能相信新模型将带给我们更准确的前瞻性风险预测,更好的行业和因子暴露度及风险掌控,并帮助我们对中国量化投资管理新领域的探究。"

Barra CNE5的一项显著的特点是推出了日预测期模型。CNE5日预测期模型尤其适合投资经理通过频繁的交易和调仓去捕捉短期市场机会。日预测期模型能够使投资经理更清楚地了解到短期风险和收益的来源,并帮助分析其因子偏好如何影响到投资组合的风险和收益。该模型充分利用了Barra风险模型的创新,引入波动率状态调整(具有每日横截面波动率调整的功能),使得模型对于市场突发事件更为敏感。该方法于2011年推出并在Barra美国股票模型USE4中首先得到应用。

" Barra CNE5 首次推出日预测期模型,标志了新一类股票模型的开始,"MSCI 证券组合管理分析业务部董事总经理彼得•赞加利说,"这是MSCI模型不断发展完善的延续,以提高风险预测的准确性和稳定性。我们了解客户的需求,我们了解市场的情况,我们会不断创新,并继续构建新一代的模型。"

如果需要进一步了解新一代Barra中国股票模型 (CNE5),请登陆我们的网站:BARRA CNE5


About MSCI

MSCI Inc. is a leading provider of investment decision support tools to investors globally, including asset managers, banks, hedge funds and pension funds. MSCI products and services include indices, portfolio risk and performance analytics, and governance tools.

The company's flagship product offerings are: the MSCI indices with approximately USD 7 trillion estimated to be benchmarked to them on a worldwide basis1; Barra multi-asset class factor models, portfolio risk and performance analytics; RiskMetrics multi-asset class market and credit risk analytics; MSCI ESG (environmental, social and governance) Research screening, analysis and ratings; ISS governance research and outsourced proxy voting and reporting services; FEA valuation models and risk management software for the energy and commodities markets; and CFRA forensic accounting risk research, legal/regulatory risk assessment, and due‐diligence. MSCI is headquartered in New York, with research and commercial offices around the world.

1As of June 30, 2011, based on eVestment, Lipper and Bloomberg data.

For further information on MSCI, please visit our web site at www.msci.com



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