BOARD International首席执行官Giovanni Grossi表示,“我们非常高兴能获得这份褒奖,我们认为它是对公司专注于客户成功和满意度策略的肯定。自公司成立伊始,这一策略便一直是我们开发无需 编程工具包的主要动力,而这一工具包将商业智能与公司业绩管理整合为单一的解决方案。BOARD工具包可以使公司在内部各个层面中贯彻共同的业绩目标,而 不受规模、行业和复杂性的限制。”
全世界已有2500多家企业部署BOARD完全无需编程的商业智能和公司业绩管理应用,而且与传统的解决方案相比,部署这一应用所需的时间和成本只占其一 小部分。BOARD能提供全方位的组织信息视图,从而史无前例地将战略远景和各个层面的业绩结合在一起。垂询详情请访问www.board.com。
Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
* The rating is an average of respondents' overall aggregate score by vendor. The figure represents customer perceptions, not Gartner's opinion. The graph may feature vendors that in Gartner's opinion don't deliver the benefits described (N = 275).
** Gartner, Inc. “User Survey Analysis: Customer Rate Their CPM Vendors, 2012” by Christopher Iervolino and John E. Van Decker, June 4, 2013