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LG Chem


2018-08-22 09:23
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韩国首尔--(美国商业资讯)--全系列NanoH2O™反渗透(RO)膜供应商LG化学(LG Chem) (KRX:051910)宣布,公司近期获得三份合同,将向美国的主要公用事业机构供应其苦咸水(BW)反渗透膜。

本新闻稿包含多媒体。此处查看新闻稿全文: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180821005309/zh-CN/

LG化学于2018年8月获得了硅谷高级水净化中心的反渗透膜替换项目的合同,它是北加州最大的水净化中心,也是圣克拉拉谷水区(Santa Clara Valley Water District)循环水扩张的中心。LG化学将为8百万加仑/日(30,280m3/d)的水处理设备提供节能型苦咸水(BW ES)反渗透膜元件。LG化学经过长达超过一年半的试验,于2018年6月获得橙郡水管区(Orange County Water District)授予的合同,将为其地下水补给系统(GWRS)提供3,170支节能型苦咸水(BW ES)反渗透膜元件。GWRS是全球最大的间接饮用再利用设施,总产能达1亿加仑/日(378.5MLD)。继去年成功开展现场试验之后, LG化学于今年4月中标西部盆地市政水区(West Basin Municipal Water District)的 Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility的膜替换工程。LG化学为该设施提供了抗污染型苦咸水(BW AFR)反渗透膜,总产能为4000万加仑/日(151.4MLD)。

LG化学于四年前才进军反渗透业务,现已成为海水淡化反渗透膜领域的有力竞争者,目前拥有逾10亿升/日的签约项目订单储备,处于业界领先地位。2017和2018年,LG化学累计赢得超过7亿升/日海水淡化反渗透膜供应合同,涉及的项目位于埃及的阿拉曼(El Alamein)、艾因苏赫纳(El Ain Sokhna)、塞德港(Port Said)和贾拉拉(El Galalah)。2016年,LG化学与Sohar SWRO LLC就阿曼的2.5亿升/日海水淡化项目签订了首份大型合同。

凭借近期所取得的成功,LG Water Solutions获得了2018年GWI全球水务奖项(2018 Global Water Awards)中年度水务科技公司卓越奖(Water Technology Company of the Year)的殊荣。

LG化学IT&E材料部门总裁Cheoldong Jeong表示:“两年前推出苦咸水反渗透膜产品线后,我们在市政和工业领域的苦咸水反渗透膜业务取得了长足进步。我们将继续利用搭载创新薄膜纳米技术的下一代产品巩固我们的市场领先地位。”


在 businesswire.com 上查看源版本新闻稿: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180821005309/zh-CN/


Sohee Jeong, +82-2-6924-3938

LG Chem (KRX: 051910), supplier of the full line of NanoH2O reverse osmosis (RO) membranes, has been awarded contracts to supply Brackish Water (BW) RO membranes to major utilities in the U.S: A contract to supply replacement membranes to the Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center, a contract to supply 3,170 energy saving BW ES elements to the Ground Water Replenishment System in the Orange County Water District and a replacement bid for the Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility in the West Basin Municipal Water District following a successful on-site trial last year. (Photo: Business Wire)

LG Chem (KRX: 051910), supplier of the full line of NanoH2O reverse osmosis (RO) membranes, has been awarded contracts to supply Brackish Water (BW) RO membranes to major utilities in the U.S: A contract to supply replacement membranes to the Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center, a contract to supply 3,170 energy saving BW ES elements to the Ground Water Replenishment System in the Orange County Water District and a replacement bid for the Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility in the West Basin Municipal Water District following a successful on-site trial last year. (Photo: Business Wire)
