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Euromonitor International


2021-01-19 09:24
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芝加哥--(美国商业资讯)--全球市场调研公司欧睿国际在最新报告《2021十大全球消费趋势》中揭示了将在今年定义消费者行为并影响商业策略的新兴趋势。 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情造成、影响或加速了每种趋势。

本新闻稿包含多媒体。此处查看新闻稿全文: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210118005005/zh-CN/


  • 期望以目的驱动型计划支持人类、地球和利润三重底线(重建更美好的家园)。与新冠肺炎疫情之前相比,将近70%的专业人士期望消费者更关注可持续发展问题。
  • 渴望疫情前的便捷性、冲动性购物场合和简单性(渴望便捷性)。
  • 与大自然重新联系,并将休闲活动转移到户外举办,安全社交(户外绿洲)。
  • 使用数字工具在家保持与外界互联,并促进为实体店提供更安全的程序(数字化物理现实)。
  • 获得新的灵活性,以非传统的顺序安排活动以适应个人的时间需求(玩转时间)。
  • 不信任媒体和政府,抗拒不实信息,将自己的需求放在首位(焦躁和反抗)。2020年,全球29%的消费者积极参与政治和社会活动。
  • 要求非接触式服务、卓越的卫生标准以及增强卫生和抵抗力的产品(注重安全)。
  • 重新评估优先事项和身份,以追求更加充实的生活和增强心理适应能力(惊恐和不安)。去年,抑郁和心理健康对全球73%的消费者的日常生活造成了中等或严重的影响。
  • 谨慎制定支出预算,并购买高附加值且负担得起的产品和服务(精打细算的节俭者)。
  • 找到新的工作与生活平衡,因为远程协作重新定义了传统的办公环境(全新工作空间)。过去,超过一半的全球消费者在工作或学校与个人生活之间存在严格的界限。

欧睿国际生活方式研究主管Alison Angus评论说:“2021年将是关键的一年。针对这些新兴消费者趋势制定策略,将使企业能够应对和承受意外的情况并克服逆境。”




在 businesswire.com 上查看源版本新闻稿: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210118005005/zh-CN/


Louise Pang 彭蔚茵
市场通讯部主任 - 欧睿国际(香港)有限公司
电话:+852 3461 3137 分机 3142

(Graphic: Euromonitor International)

(Graphic: Euromonitor International)

Euromonitor International’s annual report identifies the 10 most prevalent trends that will define consumer behavior in the year ahead, offering strategic business recommendations to meet new demands. (Graphic: Euromonitor International)

Euromonitor International’s annual report identifies the 10 most prevalent trends that will define consumer behavior in the year ahead, offering strategic business recommendations to meet new demands. (Graphic: Euromonitor International)

Misinformation and injustices are causing a crisis of confidence, supporting the Restless and Rebellious trend. Consumers want the facts and expect brands to act. (Graphic: Euromonitor International)

Misinformation and injustices are causing a crisis of confidence, supporting the Restless and Rebellious trend. Consumers want the facts and expect brands to act. (Graphic: Euromonitor International)

Consumers are now both able and forced to be more creative with their time, giving rise to the Playing with Time trend. At the same time, the Shaken and Stirred trend emphasizes consumers' newfound understanding of themselves and their place in the world in pursuit of a more fulfilled and balanced life. (Graphic: Euromonitor International)

Consumers are now both able and forced to be more creative with their time, giving rise to the Playing with Time trend. At the same time, the Shaken and Stirred trend emphasizes consumers' newfound understanding of themselves and their place in the world in pursuit of a more fulfilled and balanced life. (Graphic: Euromonitor International)
