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Calling All Sake Aficionados! October 1st Is "Sake Day." Let's Kampai Together!! (Kampai Means "Toast" in Japanese)

2022-10-09 09:18
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TOKYO--()--There are countless events around the world celebrating the delights of wine and beer; October 1st is known as "Sake Day," where sake lovers worldwide gather, enjoy, and appreciate this delicious beverage.

Sake Day was set as October 1st by the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association (JSS), the largest sake industry organization in Japan with members consisting of some 1,700 producers of sake, Honkaku Shochu, Awamori, and Hon-Mirin. This date was selected because October 1st marked the beginning of the new brewing season using freshly harvested rice crops.

Events celebrating sake have been planned worldwide for Sake Day on October 1st.

In Japan, the "Kampai! with Sake Week" event will run for ten days around Sake Day on October 1st, where JSS, prefectural sake organizations, breweries, restaurants, liquor stores, and sake lovers will raise a glass to toast the wonders of sake.

With the growing number of people around the world celebrating the wonders of sake, why not try searching the internet for Sake Day to find an event happening near you.

JSS will be streaming an online event "Kampai! with Sake!" on YouTube Live from 18:00 (JST) on October 1st, 2022. When the clock hits 19:00, viewers can join "Kampai! with Sake!" wherever they are turning in from. The event will also feature video messages from sake lovers around the world, and include a live feed from Salon du Sake event in Paris.

Sake has long been considered one of the finest offerings to the gods, and "Kampai" represents the people’s wishes become one in the presence of those spirits.

We look forward to Kampai with Sake with everyone on October 1st!!

Smile with Sake Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BAq92S3eIk

Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association SNS links are as follows:

FB: https://www.facebook.com/japansakeshochu
IG: https://www.instagram.com/japansakeshochu_en/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/JapanSakeOfficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jss_sake_en


Japan sake PR Secretariat
Inquiry person name: Satoru Suzuki
Mail: Japansake@jk-soken.co.jp
FAX: +81-3-5441-2587

toast (Photo: Business Wire)

toast (Photo: Business Wire)
