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Most-anticipated CHINICT award ceremony rewards the best among the best

2010-05-11 15:33
  • zh_hant

CHINICT – the largest conference on China tech innovation & entrepreneurship – is held in Beijing for the 6th consecutive time, on May 27h and 28th 2010. CHINICT rewards the most promising tech rising stars from China and the West. “CHINICT provides a very good platform for entrepreneurs & investors.”, says Victor Koo, founder & CEO of leading online video site Youku – and winner of the CHINICT-Nasdaq Rising Star award.

“CHINICT provides a lot of credibility. It's one of the few forums that allow industry leaders whether it's on the entrepreneurs' side or the investors' side or the media's side to come together”, underlines Fritz Demopoulos, CEO and founder of China largest travel portal Qunar and winner of the CHINICT-London Stock Exchange Rising Star award.

The 6th edition of CHINICT is supported by key players including Blackberry, Innovation Works, Microsoft, Silicon Valley Bank, Aigo, Sina, Baidu, Alibaba, Sequoia Capital, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Steamboat Ventures, Kleiner Perkins Buyers & Caufield, Intel Capital, Nasdaq, London Stock Exchange, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Nyse-Euronext, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, QQ-Tencent, People’s daily, Dow Jones, the Paris Development Agency, Zhongguancun Science Park, the US IT Organization, the US Department of Commerce, the European Union, Torch-Innofund and the Beijing Municipality.

For more information:

info@chinict.org / www.chinict.org


