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2010-05-11 15:33 Most-anticipated CHINICT award ceremony rewards the best among the best
2010-05-11 14:03 The International PIPEs Conference to Provide the Largest Forum for Chinese Companies Interested in Going Public in the United
2010-05-11 11:24 KKR & Co. L.P.就公開發行普通單位提交上市申請登記表
2010-05-11 11:12 SiBEAM推出全球首個雙模WirelessHD/WiGig射頻收發器和開發工具套件
2010-05-11 10:23 南非將於 2011 年舉辦 Maloof Money Cup 世界滑板錦標賽
2010-05-11 10:00 2010 Asia Pacific Coal Trading & Investment Outlook Announces China Moment
2010-05-11 09:56 WirelessHD™下一代標準現已可用
2010-05-11 09:48 KKR & Co. (Guernsey) L.P.將公佈2010年第一季業績
2010-05-10 20:00 Hilton Worldwide推出“The Great Getaway”促銷活動
2010-05-10 17:06 Complinet:新的法規遵從篩查服務可避免公司租借受制裁的船舶
2010-05-10 14:54 Skype CEO Josh Silverman to Mark Asian Debut with Visionary Address at CommunicAsia2010 Summit
2010-05-10 14:10 WI-FI聯盟® 與WIGIG™聯盟合作擴展WI-FI技術
2010-05-10 14:05 WiGig聯盟發佈多吉比特無線規範並啟動應用級別會員項目(Adopter Program)
2010-05-10 11:02 AEI的Jaguar Energy開始在瓜地馬拉建設300兆瓦發電廠
2010-05-10 08:00 Crossbeam憑藉與ASL的策略合作夥伴關係擴大在中國的業務版圖
2010-05-07 18:01 通用電纜公司公佈第一季業績
2010-05-07 16:01 和頓完成Walton Europe Landentwicklung Niagara 1 GmbH & Co. KG的土地辛迪加運作
2010-05-07 15:32 The International PIPEs Conference to Provide the Largest Forum for Chinese Companies Interested in Going Public in the United S
2010-05-07 14:29 VERNet公司圓滿完成Ciena 40G和100G同調光學解決方案試驗
2010-05-07 14:05 科騰高性能聚合物有限公司公佈2010年第一季業績